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R. MICHAEL FISHER (PhD), A Canadian Educationist and the founder of The Fearology Institute and Fearlessness Movement wrote: “…Before I comment directly on some of the content of Eneyo’s
first book on the topic of fear, I want to say that he is courageous
to align his thinking with the boundless research scope of the
philosophy of fear. I too have been interested in this topic and
territory but it has not always been easy to tell who is researching
and writing in this area of philosophy of fear. Some are doing so
but have not named it as such. Some others like the Norwegian
philosopher Lars Svendsen have used “philosophy of fear” in a
recent book title. Yet, only a handful of philosophers have ever
focused on engaging the notion of philosophy of fear in situ. This
is where Eneyo has stepped over the boundaries of the traditional
approach to fear studies. Thus, filling this research lacuna by
incorporating the new fearism, thereby producing his own version
and orientation on fear.” R. Michael Fisher, 2018.

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