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14 OF THE MICHAEL ENEYO’S QUOTES ON ETHICS/MORALS(From the Eneyo’s quotes diary)

  1. If you have misunderstanding with a person you once helped, don’t remind him/her of the good things you did as if he/she has forgotten. The fact that you helped him/her doesn’t mean he/she cannot say “No” to some of your opinions. – Michael Eneyo.
  2. While it’s morally commendable to help the poor, we should be sure that the said act of helping doesn’t encourage laziness. Any help that encourages laziness is a sin. – Michael Eneyo.
  3. I have never seen a person so respected like someone who is truthful with his/her words. – Michael Eneyo.
  4. Any promise made is an agreement reached, and it’s unethical and illegal to violate the terms of an agreement. Ensure you always keep to your word(s). – Michael Eneyo.
  5. It’s better to say, I don’t have or I can’t help. Than say, “Let’s see how it goes” when you have already concluded that you will never help. – Michael Eneyo.
  6. Nobody completely lives for his/herself alone, we also live for the society we belong. Always be mindful of the effects and the implications of your actions on others and the society in general. – Michael Eneyo.
  7. Don’t preserve all the good meals at your feast for the rich alone, allow the poor to have the taste of them as well. The rich will certainly have more opportunities to eat better meals again, but that might be the only chance for the poor to eat. – Michael Eneyo.
  8. In the past, people were so much concerned about the source(s) of the wealth than the wealth itself. But today, they are concerned about the wealth regardless of the source. This is another difference between the ancient period and the contemporary era of our existence. – Michael Eneyo.
  9. We are still on a journey; a journey from life to death.~Michael Eneyo
  10. The only journey people don’t desire to finish is a journey from life to death. Even when we complain that the road is rough, no one wishes to complete his/her own. – Michael Eneyo.
  11. If till now you cannot look at someone’s face and tell him/her the bitter truth, then forget it, you are not yet mature. Maturity is not about age; it’s about knowing the right thing and then do it.~Michael Eneyo
  12. When someone dies after cheating on others and commandeered all the proceeds to himself, such act is a clear example of the word VANITY. – Michael Eneyo.
  13. When someone seeks help from you, if you know you’ll not render or you cannot help, be bold enough to tell the person straightaway so that he/she may try another source. Stop promising when you already know you are not willing to help. Such an act is not just a bad attitude, but a demonstration of wickedness. – Michael Eneyo.
  14. Be careful when paying someone evil for the good he/she has done to you. God has a way of paying us back for all our actions. In the court of nature, justice cannot be denied. – Michael Eneyo.

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