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  • Anybody who abuses his/her parents or ancestors and claims to have seen the light, should remember that insult to one’s parents or ancestors is not an attribute of the light of God. – Michael Eneyo.
    • Stop insulting or cursing your parents or ancestors when you pray by calling them names. Don’t allow anyone in the name of a pastor.or an imam to talk ill of your parents in the pretext of seeing vision. Religion is not a ticket to disrespect your parents or ancestors.~Michael Eneyo
  • Many of what we have today as inheritance were fought for by our foreparents, Most of them died in the course of trying to secure wealth for us. They deserve praise from us and not insult. ~Michael Eneyo
  • Some of our African ancestors are Saints, if I’m praying to them, know that I am praying to Saints.~Michael Eneyo .
  • Those who are alive today will become ancestors tomorrow, be mindful of the way you abuse the ancestors. Know that tomorrow will be your turn to be ancestor.~Michael Eneyo
  • I keep speaking good of my ancestors, so that when I become one, the living will speak good of me. It’s what we sow that we shall reap.~Michael Eneyo
  • Don’t claim to be better than your ancestors because of religion. Religion doesn’t necessarily make one a good person, but being a good person makes you religious in your own religion. Our foreparents had had their own religion; we ought to respect them for that.~Michael Eneyo.
  • I am not in the argument to know the best religion of the world. My utmost concern is how your own religion is contributing in bringing peace to the broken world.~Michael Eneyo
  • If your ancestors are not your pride, count me out. God was not stupid to make them your ancestors. ~Michael Eneyo.
  • My prayer is that when the time comes, I should be counted amongst the good ancestors from Africa. I am an African ancestor in potency.~Michael Eneyo
  • The only sin our foreparents committed that makes their great-grandchildren to abuse them today is that they are now ancestors and nothing more. Most Africans hate their ancestors ~Michael Eneyo
  • The reason why African countries are still backward is because they have rejected the good teachings of their ancestors.~Michael Eneyo
  • It’s not a surprise that Africa hardly produces good leaders; the reason is that they don’t have regards for their ancestors. A child who doesn’t respect his parents or elders can’t become a good leader.~Michael Eneyo

4 thoughts on “13 OF THE MICHAEL ENEYO’S QUOTES ON AFRICAN ANCESTORS (From Eneyo’s quotes diary)

  1. Ma Vera

    Well, you are correct to some extent by my opinion.
    (1) respect for parents is must agenda to talk about and to practice
    (2) some forefathers brought disasters to their descendants up to generation unborn
    (3) whether respect to the ancestors or not, there are some judgement that are natural ie law of karma.

  2. Lilian

    The great man that uses what he has to create what he wants. Hon. Michael Eneyo keep on keeping on.

  3. Admin

    Thanks so much my dear friend

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