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  1. If they are aspirating to become doctors or to be trained as nurses as others are doing, you need to congratulate them for choosing careers that are aimed at ensuring that the sick are treated and the diseases are cured.
  2. For them to have shown interest to study professional courses that are targeting the preservation of human lives; you must appreciate them and support their dreams. However, you must not hesitate to inform them of the rudiments of becoming a doctor or a nurse.
  3. In the course of advising them, you must remind them that they are certain qualities those aspirating to become doctors or nurses should have. Let them understand that some qualities are natural to the people and some are learnt. If they have these qualities, know that they will likely be good doctors or nurses when they enroll.
  4. One of those qualities is this: If you observe that they like to pamper the younger ones when they cry, or attend to their siblings when they are sick; know that the potential of becoming a doctor or a nurse is in them.
  5. If they like caring for people who are in pain or stay around a person who is sick, it is an indication that if they become doctors or nurses they will be good at it.
  6. Another quality that doctors and nurses should have of which you must tell them is this: that doctors and nurses should be people who have empathy for those who are sick. They should also be the kinds that are patient with those who couldn’t carryout the doctor’s prescriptions that were given to them. Without these qualities they will find it difficult to function well as doctors or as nurses. That’s why this advice must be given to them on time.
  7. Make them understand that doctors and nurses ought to be people that are calm and patient enough to listen to complaints. These attitudes ought to be amongst the qualities a doctor or a nurse should have. Without these qualities the integrity of the profession would be eluded at the instance of the inpatient shown by them. That is why you must teach them these rudiments of becoming a doctor or a nurse.
  8. Don’t fail to tell them that doctors and nurses are those that people entrust their lives into their hands when they are sick. And that it’s their duty to ensure that the sickness is well treated and the health restored. Make them understand that apart from God who is superior to all, doctors and nurses are the next when it comes to the issues of sickness and health. That is why they should see themselves as agents of life and not of death.
  9. Make them understand that doctors and nurses play significant roles in the preservation of lives. That’s why doctors and nurses ought to be those who understand the value of life, and not those who are careless about the precious thing like human life. These are part of the things they must know.
  10. Let them know that, though the primary reason people work is so that they can make money to take care of themselves, since it is true that any profession we do, we ought to eat and also make our wealth from there. You must tell them that in the case of doctors and nurses it’s beyond what to eat or the wealth to acquire. This is because human life is directly involved. Which is why doctors and nurses should be people who value life rather than wealth.
  11. Tell them not to be arrogant with any patients that come to them. Actually some of the patients may be irritated in the way they appear. It is the place of the doctors and that of the nurses to ignore their flaws. Instead of rebuking them, they should welcome them with a smile to the seat. Teach them how to give every patient the care that is expected of a doctor or a nurse. Irrespective of the class of the patient involved, a patient deserves some levels of courtesy from a doctor and a nurse.
  12. Warn your female child who is aspiring to become a nurse; that every good nurse must be humble and be nice in the way they talk to their patients or the people caring for them. She should not be arrogant with patients or their relatives just because they solicit her help. Doing so is a sign of unprofessionalism she will display in the course of discharging her duty as a nurse.
  13. You must let them know that many patients have died in hospitals because of the attitudes of some doctors and the nurses. Instead of attending to the patient who is in a critical situation, they are demanding for deposit before they could treat. Even the patient is bleeding; it is not their concern. This is always the case when value is placed on money instead of life. Tell them if they will place value to money over human life they should change their minds from being a nurse.
  14. It is important you let them know, that any death they cause, they will answer for it. Not in the court set by humans, but the court that nature has constituted to judge the conduct of men. They should understand that if they should be careless about someone’s life nature would be careless about their lives. That is why they must be serious in anything they do as a doctor or a nurse.
  15. Instruct them that the time for injection is not the time to gist with colleagues. They should ensure that the drugs are in order and the injection needle goes to where it should go. Anything done on human beings must be done with care. Else, there might be complications that can lead to death. That is why doctors and nurses must always concentrate and focus on anything they do.
  16. Warn your child who is a doctor or a nurse never to call a patient by the name of the sickness he/she is suffering from. That’s so unprofessional for a trained doctor or nurse to do. Even if the sickness was as the result of the carelessness on the part of the patient, it is not enough reason to mock the patients by calling them with the name of the sickness they have.
  17. Don’t fail to inform them that stigmatisation is a sin. Even before the law; it is a crime. Make them understand that any patient who knows his/her right, can sue them for using the name of their sickness as their name. Tell them to be very careful with this.
  18. Advise them never to reveal the name of the sickness of their patients to others unless there’s a need. Remind them that all doctors are under an oath. Hypocritical oath is what they sworn to obey. That is why they must ensure that they keep to the ordinances of the oath they took.
  19. Tell them not to make their patients observe that they are scared to go close to them, just because of the nature of the sickness that the patients have. They should understand that the experience of abandonment kills more than the sickness itself. This is one of the reasons they should not make the sick ones notice that they have been abandoned while they are still alive.
  20. Emphasize to them that the hypocritical oath must be upheld to the last. Whether they are doctors or nurses, they should respect the oath. They must understand that the oath is made to guide them from abusing the ethics that guide the “dos” and “don’ts” of the doctors including the nurse. This is another advice you must give to them.
  21. Tell them to always encourage and give hope to patients under their care. Even if the medical reports have shown that the patients will not survive. They shouldn’t be the ones facilitating the patients’ journey to the world beyond. Doing so will amount to insensitivity to the plight of the value of the life of the patient under their care.
  22. You must inform them that for them to be good at their profession they must study their books. The idea of cheating to pass an examination should be eliminated from their minds. The works of a doctor and a nurse need those who know what they are doing, and not for those who had cheated in order to pass their professional exams.
  23. Tell them if they want to become a doctor they should wish to be the best amongst their colleagues. A good doctor should love his career. And his overall achievement is to see that his patient is cured. These are always the desires of a doctor who is true to his call.
  24. Tell them that even though most times gossip is living with women in the same house as mate. They should know that woman who talks too much is not good to be a nurse. Because they are certain things they will see in the patients that they must keep to themselves. The oath of confidentiality, they must not ignore. That’s why a talkative should not be allowed to be a nurse.
  25. Inform them of the trending culture going on in the hospitals of the world today: doctors and nursing conniving with some people to steal children from their mothers to sell to clients. Some clients are doing it because they need a child that would be called after their names. While some are doing it because they are looking for infants for sacrifice. The rest are after the money that is involved. Warn them not to a party to this inhumane act committed by them.
  26. Inform them of those doctors who harvest kidney from the innocent patients and sell to their clients without the patients being aware. Such an act is the same as killing the patient that is under their care. The difference is that the patient will die gradually to the point that the word “death” would finally be declared. Anyone who does that would certainly be punished by the gods.
  27. Tell them never to steal drugs meant for a particular patient and sell to another. It is not everything that people should steal. There are some acts that are so embarrassing to discuss: stealing from a sick person is one of them. That is why you must warn them never to be involved in acts like this.
  28. Inform them that having a private clinic while working for the government is cool. But to abandon the patients in the public hospitals to attend to the ones in their private clinics is a crime. Tell them that while struggling to make money, they should be careful with it. If they are so comfortable with their private clinics, they should resign from the government so that they can concentrate. This is because it is a profession that has to do with people’s lives, so they must not compromise.
  29. Finally, inform them that every good work goes with a reward. If they want rewards from heaven and on earth they should do their work with the fear of God. It is by so doing that the rewards will come. Our prayer is that they should work in the way that is expected of a doctor and a nurse. So that in the end, they will receive their rewards. Michael Eneyo


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